20240430 Exploring Innovation in Mariculture with AFCD at the Modern Demonstration Farm

AFCD Modern Demonstration Farm Visit

NerOcean had the privilege of being invited by the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) to visit their state-of-the-art Mariculture Demonstration Farm.

AFCD Modern Demonstration Farm Visit

Under the guidance of Mr. LAI Chuen-chi, Patrick, Deputy Director of AFCD, and Mr. CHOW Wing Kuen, Senior Fisheries Officer (Aquaculture Fisheries), the AFCD team showcased the advanced facilities and operations at the modern Mariculture Demonstration Farm.

AFCD Modern Demonstration Farm Visit

During the visit, Prof. WU, NerOcean’s co-founder and Advisor, shared insights on the future of automation in the farming industry and the integration of new inventions from universities and startups to drive industry transformation.

Dr. YANG Yi, Advisor of NerOcean, and Dr. Ron NG, co-founder and CEO of NerOcean, presented the latest advancements in NerOcean’s technology, focusing on the development of the Dissolved Oxygen Sensor and Artificial Mussels for monitoring heavy metals and radionuclides.

AFCD Modern Demonstration Farm Visit

In a productive meeting, Mr. Patrick LAI expressed agreement to advance to the next stage of collaboration with NerOcean, marking a significant step towards future partnerships and innovations in the field.

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