About Us

Ron NG

Ron NG

CEO, Co-Founder
Ph.D. (Chemistry)


Ph.D. (Chemistry)
Ivy HO

Ivy HO

Chief Scientist
Ph.D. (Environmental Studies)

Victo NG

Assistant Engineer
BEng (Electronic Engineering)
Winnie TONG

Winnie TONG

Project Assistant
BEd (Science)
Prof. Rudolf WU Shiu-Sun

Prof. Rudolf WU Shiu-Sun

Advisor, Co-Founder
Prof. Vincent KO Chi-Chiu

Prof. Vincent KO Chi-Chiu

Advisor, Co-Founder
Dr. LEUNG Chi-Fai

Dr. LEUNG Chi-Fai

Dr. Yvonne YANG Yi

Dr. Yvonne YANG Yi


Our Story

Great Success
Artificial Mussels (AM) - A breakthrough for water quality monitoring

A novel chemical sampling device, Artificial mussels (AM) for monitoring trace metals, was developed by a research team led by Prof. Rudolf WU. This method has been used in 30+ countries for toxic trace metals monitoring.

Can AM be used in dissolved oxygen monitoring?

Dissolved oxygen (OD) is the oxygen content in water. DO is essential for the survival of marine lives. However, the current methods for continuous DO monitoring is limited by the high cost of the sensors and their frequent maintenance.

Inspired by the Artificial mussels, Prof. Rudolf WU initiated the research on low-cost dissolved oxygen monitoring.

We did it!!
We made it possible!!

A novel dissolved oxygen monitoring method has been developed. This is the collaborative work of Prof. Rudolf WU (the Education University of Hong Kong) and Dr. Vincent KO (City University of Hong Kong).

Prototypes of the sensor using replaceable photo-sensing films for dissolved oxygen monitoring have also been produced by using 3D printing.

The sensor prototypes have been tested and validated on the fish raft of the State Key Laboratory of Marine Pollution (SKLMP).

June 2021
Start it!
CityU HK Tech 300 Seed Fund

Our team received CityU HK Tech 300 Seed Fund. We started our work to commercialize our new generation of DO sensors!

August 2021
Journey begins
NerOcean Established!

With the support of CityU HK Tech 300 and SKLMP, NerOcean has been established. Our aim is to provide a cost-effective solution for sustainable environmental monitoring and management by our new generation of dissolved oxygen sensors using replaceable photo-sensing films.

March 2022
Award winning! Congratulations!!

Our innovative invention was recognized overseas and received a Silver Medal in the Innovation Geneva 2022.

June 2022
New achievement!

A new version of prototype has been developed and validated at AFCD’s monitoring site in Ma Nam Wat Aquaculture Zone.

May 2022
Funding Support

NerOcean received the EdUHK EASE Fund of HK$ 150K and Wofoo SDG Award!

July 2022
Funding Support
CityU HK Tech 300 Angel Investment Fund

NerOcean received Angel Investment Fund of HK$ 1M from CityU!

August 2022
Award winning! Congratulations!

Our sensors obtained Top 10 Best Innovation Award, Gold Medal and Special Award in iCAN 2022.

September 2022
Funding support
HKSTP Incubation Programme

NerOcean successfully joined HKSTP Incubation Programme.

October 2022
Move into HKSTP!

Please find us in Hong Kong Science Park!

December 2022
HKTDC Entrepreneurship-Day Exhibition

We have a booth to show our sensors and services at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre!

April 2023
Funding support
TSSSU-O Funding nominated by CityU

NerOcean has been nominated by CityU to receive TSSSU-O 2023-24.

May 2023
New Project launched!

NerOcean has embarked on a new project to develop a cost-effective, compact sampling device capable of detecting toxic trace metal ions and radioactive substances in both seawater and freshwater.

May 2023
NerOcean's DO sensor is deploying in the sea!

Collaborating with AFCD, HKSAR, we perform the first test of our dissolved oxygen sensor prototype ver. 2 at the AFCD's monitoring station located at Ma Nam Wat Aquaculture Zone.

May 2023
Site Visit
Exploring the Great Bay Area (GBA)

Organized by EdUHK EASE Team, NerOcean extended our network to the GBA.

Jun 2023
Congratulations! NerOcean graduated in IDEATION Programme from HKSTP!

NerOcean Graduated in IDEATION Programme and now is one of the Incubation companies in HKSTP!

Jun 2023
Congratulation! New Collaboration with HK Government!

NerOcean established collaboration with the Environmental Protection Department, HKSAR.

Jul 2023
Breaking News
Press Conference - Artificial Mussels for monitoring Heavy Metals and Radionuclides

NerOcean research teams established a press conference for Artificial Mussels as a low-cost passive sampling tool for monitoring heavy metals and radionuclides.

Jul 2023
Boardcast Interview
NerOcean on AIR!

Thanks 大灣區之聲's interview NerOcean for our advanced dissolved oxygen sensors using replaceable photo-sensing film.

Aug 2023
EPD Visit
NerOcean was invited by EPD for site visit.

EPD invited NerOcean to have a site visit for the monitoring buoy in Tsuen Wan West. We are looking forward for the successful deployment of our sensors and Artificial Mussels!

Sep 2023
NerOcean showcases in BIOHK 2023!

NerOcean's dissolved oxygen sensors and Artificial Mussels attracted spotlight in BIOHK 2024.

Oct 2023
NerOcean turned high-technologies to the public in the InnoCarnival 2023 organized by ITC!

Being a HK-based ocean technology company, NerOcean transferred laboratory research output to the public. Families and kids gave "Like" to our sensors and Artificial Mussels!

Nov 2023
Overseas Exhibition
NerOcean brings our Made-In-HK ocean technology outside HK! We exhibited in Meet Taipei Startup Festival 2023!!

This is the first time, NerOcean exhibits overseas! We build new networks with the investors and industries joining Meet Taipei Startup Festival 2023!

Dec 2023
Award winning! Congratulations!!​

Dissolved oxygen sensor using replaceable photo-sensing film has been awarded a Silver Medal in the Asia Exhibition of Innovations and Inventions 2024!

Mar 2024
Artificial Mussels: Deployment in HK
Ocean Monitoring Programme in Hong Kong!

Collaborating with the Environmental Protection Department, HKSAR,

Our Story Has Just Started!